Barry Foster - a friend and fellow coach, passed away January 16 due to complications of the corona virus. While Barry and I only occasionally had spoken over the past 20 years, we had a lot in common and I considered him one of my best friends. As a matter of fact we first talked about Lindsay Leopard sports in 2015, about there being no way to honor those Leopard alumni and staff who have made Lindsay Leopard sports legendary. Barry told me that he wanted to honor those sports legends who have contributed to Lindsay Public Schools and "put Lindsay athletics on the map". His suggestion was to begin a "Leopard Athletic Hall of Fame" in order to honor not only former Leopard athletes, but teachers, coaches and even community supporters who have made Leopard sports legendary. Barry told me that he wanted Lindsay Public Schools to implement this athletic hall of fame before many legendary Lindsay sports figures pass on, and asked if I could help. It is still hard for me to think that Barry left us before the Leopard athletic hall of fame could be realized.
Of course I told Barry that I would help him in any way I could, and began by suggesting this hall of fame to the Lindsay Board of Education. At the time in 2015, I was the superintendent of Blanchard Schools and had retired from coaching in 1994. I visited with the Lindsay superintendent about Barry's HOF idea and he thought it was a good way to honor former Leopards and Leopard supporters of the past. The Lindsay Board also seemed very positive about the endeavor, but it did not happen.
The last time Barry and I talked was in the first week of January of this year, only a week before he began feeling ill. He told me that Lindsay would probably never have a sports HOF, as he had lobbied hard back in 2015 to no avail. I told Barry I was willing to try again, if he was. Barry Foster answered that he was willing to keep trying. It was the last time we spoke...