A week ago, before Christmas, I wished my friends, family and relatives, friendly groups (teachers), and even not so friendly groups (politicians, corporate groups, dark money groups) a very Merry Christmas. After Christmas, I'd now like to relate some groups which did not get what they wished for, and reveal some individuals and groups who did receive a very Merry Christmas.
Oklahoma teachers did not receive a much needed pay raise, when the one-cent sales tax went down to defeat on November 8, 2016, so they only got a lump of coal in their stockings. Many lawmakers and political candidates contributed to this lump of coal for teachers, when expressly stating they would be voting "NO" for a teacher pay raise. These same legislators and candidates received over $4.5 million in dark money Christmas gifts, for election and re-election to the Oklahoma House and Senate. The dark money groups Catalyst Oklahoma, Oklahoma United, and the American Federation for Children provided Christmas gifts for several Oklahoma House and Senate candidates this past year, but also provided a "lump of coal" for several teachers who ran for office. One recipient of a handsome Christmas gift of over $33,000 (the House candidate for District 42) didn't even thank the groups, as he said 'he didn't know about it'. By the way, his opponent in district 42 received $33,000 in "lumps of coal".
In addition to the legislators and candidates receiving Christmas gifts of dark money, one politician (Dan Kirby of the Oklahoma House of Representatives) received a very special gift from Oklahoma taxpayers - a $44,500 payment for legal fees he incurred, as a result of his "sexual harassment" of a former aid. The now ex-speaker of the House, Jeff Hickman, should really be given credit for Mr. Kirby's very merry Christmas, however, as he alone provided the taxpayer gift. It is doubtful that any Oklahoma taxpayers even knew about the "gift", so should not be given credit for providing it. Dan Kirby was also provided a merry Christmas from voters as he was handily re-elected to the House of Representatives on November 8, even after the taxpayer and Hickman payoff of legal fees and hush money. Whoever said "crime doesn't pay" didn't know what they were talking about, for as we see - sometimes crime does pay if you're a politician.
Update: Dan Kirby resigned from the House of Representatives on December 23, 2016.
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