Friday, May 26, 2017

State Budget Countdown

   KOCO 5 News is running a countdown to the end of the 2017 state legislative session, much like the countdown to launch we used to watch as NASA prepared for liftoff of its latest space rocket. The corporate legislator countdown is something we've never seen in the history of Oklahoma government. Corporate lawmakers are sitting behind monitors at the capitol... I mean "control room", nervously watching the countdown, much like the NASA scientists did at the old Cape Kennedy launch pad as an Apollo rocket prepared to launch. We witnessed "high fives" and cheering in the Cape Kennedy control room, which usually marked another successful rocket launch... And corporate lawmakers will surely celebrate another successful end to the legislative session, as there will be 1) no teacher pay raises, 2) more teachers will flee Oklahoma (Corporatists will say "don't let the door hit you in the backside on the way out"), 3) appropriations to our public schools will be reduced again, and 4) more taxpayer dollars will be funneled to out-of-state school management corporations.
   Public school teachers are partially to blame for this legislative fiasco, as only about 50% voted in the last legislator elections, and many who did vote - supported the corporatists now in control at the capitol. Many political scientists believe that teachers are just as complacent about voting and are just as easily fooled by politicians, as the rest of the voters are. As public school supporters, we must pay attention to what candidates say concerning our public schools, and then always vote accordingly. As public school supporters, we must ask candidates the hard questions about our public schools, if we are to prevent their destruction. If the candidate answers questions with: A) "I believe in school choice" or... B) "I believe in schools sharing resources" or... C) "Teachers need a raise, but a one-cent sales tax is not the way", he actually means A) "I believe in sending Oklahoma tax dollars to my favorite charity - private and corporate charter schools" or... B) "I believe in small school consolidation" or... C) "I believe teachers don't deserve a raise, and by the way - don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out." Of course, the corporate candidate may avoid answering any public school questions, as a way to deflect criticism... Pay attention to what they say or don't say!
   This marks the end of my rant concerning the end of the session, but continue to watch the corporate countdown at the capitol, especially the corporate scientists in the control room, as they celebrate another successful launch...   

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