Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Corporatists... Are They Really Dirtbags?

   Over thirty Oklahoma educators ran for state senate and house seats during the 2016 elections. They were made up of Republicans (R), Democrats (D), and Independents (I), but most were soundly defeated at the polls - as they were running against well-funded Corporatists (C). In many voters' opinions, the recent rise in corporativism as a political philosophy, has given corporatists the right to be considered a separate political party. The C's were mostly funded by Dark Money groups such as the American Federation for Children (AFC) and its "mini-me", the Oklahoma Federation for Children (OFC). Betsy DeVos, AKA Cruella DeVille, the current U.S. Secretary of Education was the executive director for the AFC in 2016, and poured over $200,000 into state corporate campaigns in an effort to defeat the public school educators. The executive director for the OFC, Jennifer "Dirtbags" Carter, also ran mud-slinging attack ads against the Oklahoma educators to the tune of over $100,000 to help defeat them. Jennifer acquired the nickname "Dirtbags" after tweeting that several public school educators were "dirtbags", for criticizing out-of-state voucher corporations. Mrs. Carter was actually Janet Barresi's "mini-me" as Barresi's Chief of Staff before she was fired. Actually, they were both fired from their previous jobs, but who better to sling mud than a dirt bag? OK, I digress, enough of the rhetorical dry humor...
   One candidate who ran for the House District 46 seat (Norman) on November 8, 2016, was Jacob Rosecrats (D), a teacher from Norman. He was thrashed soundly by Scott Martin (C), the incumbent, by 4000 votes. As with most of the other (R)'s, (D)'s, and (I)'s running in the 2016 elections, the (C) took full advantage of his "dark money", and won. A few months ago, Scott Martin decided he'd had enough of the elected official life, quit, and joined the private sector. The District 46 House seat, now being vacated, was opened for another election. Jacob Rosecrants, not being a quitter, decided to run again for the seat. House District 46, a traditionally Republican leaning district since 1995, has been quietly leaning more and more Corporatist since Martin was elected several years ago.
   Long story short: Many conservative Republicans and Democrats realized this transformation from primarily (R)'s as District 46 officeholders, to (C)'s, and so promptly voted Rosecrants into office on September 12, 2017. Conservative Republicans have begun to realize that Corporatists are quite liberal, even to the left of liberal Democrats. It's been a well kept secret that Corporatism is not conservative, since the mainstay of Corporatists is Corporate Welfare.
   Corporatists disguised as conservative Republicans in other Senate and House districts would do well to note the shellacking that Rosecrants (D) handed to Chambers(C), as a result of voters becoming aware of the (C)'s agenda - the funneling of Oklahoma public school tax dollars to private and corporate charter schools, mostly out-of-state or international. We'll say it again, all is not lost, a teacher has defeated a corporatist! or a public school supporter has defeated a "voucher wolf"!

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