Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Harold Hamm opposed to Gross Production Tax

   As many who regularly read this blog know - I sometimes provide satirical analogies to real life politicians and corporate CEOs, to help readers understand the motivations behind our corporate lawmakers' actions at the state capitol... and for lighthearted entertainment. For instance, I've likened several of our former elected state lawmakers to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because of their "sex offending", "child molesting", and felonious practices... By the way, they were corporate lawmakers, not conservative or liberal...
   Many people remember The Hillbillies as a World Wrestling Federation group during the 1980's - made up of the patriarch Uncle Elmer, along with Hillbilly Jim, Cousin Junior, and Cousin Luke. They often feuded with other WWF wrestlers including Rowdy Roddy Piper, Bob Orton Jr., Jesse "The Body" Ventura, and "Adorable" Adrian Adonis. The Hillbillies main gimmick for entertainment was that of simple-minded country folk who performed square dances in the ring, just before dropping the hammer on opponents. Uncle Elmer was perpetually eating from an enormous bucket labeled "Uncle Elmer's fried pig parts" as "The Hillbillies" buried the competition. This scenario of characters came to mind, as I read recently that the State Supreme Court has cleared the way for a vote of the people - to increase the gross production tax rate from the present 2%... to 7%.
   The "stand-in" Hillbillies from Oklahoma, or OK Hillbillies, are Uncle Harold or "Country Ham", Hillbilly Doug, and Cousin Larry. All three are just "Hillbilly wanna-be's" however, as they are multi-billion dollar oil CEO's who take on state legislators which haven't bought in to their corporate philosophy. They've also had an ongoing feud with another "tag team" - the Wind Farm Tornadoes, also from the WCF (World Corporatization Federation). The OK Hillbillies, not to be confused with the Beverly Hillbillies (although the Beverly Hillbillies also dabbled in professional wrestling during one episode in which Granny took on the Boston Strong Girl) simply want to identify with Oklahomans, who they believe are real hillbillies. The Billionaire OK Hillbillies believe they should pay $0 in corporate income tax and $0 in gross production tax, so the next big battle is now shaping up.
   Uncle Harold will probably be toting his giant bucket into the ring, labeled Uncle Harold's fried politician parts, as he battles the Oklahoma voters who will probably be voting to increase the gross production tax from 2% to 7% in the fall. (The "fried politician parts" are from those legislators who haven't been paid off by Uncle Harold, Hillbilly Doug, or Cousin Larry). We're all excited to see how the tag-team championship for world domination unfolds over the next several months.

(On a related issue, the OK Corporate Hillbillies really did "sacrifice" a gross production tax increase from 2% to 4%, in supporting the Oklahoma Step-Up Plan for providing a teacher pay raise. It is now very clear they wanted to avoid the much bigger sacrifice of increasing it to 7%.) 

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