Tuesday, June 26, 2018

State Primary Analysis

   With the state primary elections concluding on Tuesday, the table has been set for the general election in November - so we'll comment on the three state races which should affect our public schools:
Governor of Oklahoma: On the republican side, there will be a run-off between Mick Cornett and Kevin Stitt. The democrats have chosen Drew Edmondson, while the libertarians have picked ???, to challenge the chosen (R).
State House District 42 (Garvin and McClain County): Liz George has won the democratic nomination for the representative seat, and will be taking on the republican nominee, Cynthia Rowe in the November finals.
State Superintendent of Schools: Dr. John Cox, a school superintendent and public school advocate, will face the winner of a run-off between Linda Murphy (a public school advocate and teacher) and Joy Hofmeister (the incumbent and corporate favorite).

   Remember the Chicago Daily Tribune headline on November 3, 1948 - Dewey Defeats Truman. Incumbent United States President, Harry S. Truman, actually upset the republican challenger and Governor of New York, Thomas E. Dewey in the November 2, 1948 election. We've also had to re-write this post, as several primary elections didn't turn out for the favorites. For instance, the republican governor primary turned out to be quite an upset as Todd "The Corporate Machine" Lamb did not make the run-off ! to be held on August 28. Although voters didn't hang Todd upside down in the town square (as they did Benito Mussolini, an Italian corporatist, in 1945) - Lamb's corporate campaign machine did go down to defeat.
   Another upset was recorded in the state House District 42 republican primary, as Allie Burgin (C) for Corporatist, went down to defeat at the hands of Cynthia Rowe. Liz George (Blanchard school board member and public school advocate) will now be taking on the republican Rowe in the November general election.
   Corporatists were also upset in the republican primary for state superintendent, as the conservative Linda Murphy scored a run-off election against the incumbent and corporate Hofmeister. The winner of the run-off on August 28 will take on public school advocate John Cox in the November general election.

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