Our number one priority for Blanchard Public Schools is the safety and security of students and staff. While academic and activity offerings for our students certainly is of utmost importance, it pales in comparison to our safety needs. We all know about the many student security breeches in public schools around the country... but Blanchard Schools has been on the forefront as providing a safe and secure learning environment for students and teachers. The focus, however, has been on providing a safe learning experience within the confines of our schools - classrooms, libraries, storm proof buildings, entry issues, etc..., but not on school bus safety - bus stops and traffic safety issues.
As of late, we've taken note of several accidents around the country involving vehicles, which have affected the safety of students while waiting at bus stops, crossing dangerous intersections, or riding in buses. One traffic safety consideration, or breach thereof, is the auto driver who fails to pay appropriate attention when passing school buses, whether at stops or on the road. In recognition of this particular student safety breach, and thanks to a parent who emphasized this traffic hazard - Blanchard Public Schools will install video cameras on the STOP arms of its school buses. The cameras will ensure a video recording of nearby autos is produced when the arm is extended in the "STOP" position. When a school bus stops on the road, highway, or street, to pick up or drop off students - the STOP arm on the left side of the bus extends, as a signal that all traffic in front of, and behind the bus must stop... and yield to pedestrians and students. Usually, no video recording is made of traffic headed in both directions, so no proof is obtained of those who might be in a hurry and "run" the stop signal. Students are often in peril when the STOP sign is ignored or a driver does not pay appropriate attention. We hope to emphasize student safety as we install these cameras, and it is hoped we may prevent tragedy. We will provide specific video of traffic violations to our Blanchard Police Department, where action may be taken to prevent tragedy which has occurred elsewhere - so please be aware, and consider the safety of our student bus riders.
Academic and activity course choices for our students is another priority for Blanchard Public Schools. While we have many activities a student may choose to participate, Blanchard Public Schools can certainly improve its selections, and add sports as needed. We participate in many sports under the jurisdiction of the Oklahoma Secondary Schools Activity Association (OSSAA), but don't participate in several. Among those sports Blanchard High School does not participate - soccer, swimming, volleyball, speech and debate, and tennis. In addition, the OSSAA is considering adding "girls wrestling" to its list of sports. We believe the OSSAA sport which most students would choose as one we currently don't have, would be "girls volleyball" - but we won't know for sure until we ask the students. Starting the second semester, in January, we will poll our students, as to determine what one sport or activity will be the most popular. The results of this survey will determine what sport or activity not currently offered, will be added next school year.
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