Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Teachers Support Students

   One year ago teachers were preparing to walk out of classrooms across Oklahoma. Teachers did walk out to the capitol, in protest of low classroom funding from the State Legislature. They were already promised a pay increase - because Oklahoma teachers are some of the lowest paid in the nation, but walked out anyway. Teachers knew that student operational funding still lagged the rest of the nation, but state lawmakers ignored this fact.
   One year later, teachers have not walked out - but know that the Oklahoma Legislature still has not met its April 1 deadline for funding our public schools. Our state teachers have decided to support our students in other ways. Student education will not be disrupted, as testing and other important student activities will continue, but our Blanchard teachers will wear "Blanchard Lion" shirts and maroon clothing to school all week. We will also wear "red" and red ribbons, in support of appropriate student funding and lower class sizes.
   If you are a Blanchard citizen, student, or parent, you are also invited to share our support for our students and public schools - and wear maroon, red, and red ribbons. The legislature still will not properly fund our students (lower class sizes), unless they know that people really do support our traditional public schools.

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