Tuesday, November 26, 2019

OSSAA Competitive Equity Plan for Volleyball

   The Oklahoma Secondary Schools Activity Association (OSSAA) will soon send out to a vote of the membership - a competitive equity revision for Rule 14, which affects only volleyball and tennis. Let's take a look at how it will affect volleyball, if implemented:
   There are currently 32 class 6A, 32 class 5A, 32 class 4A, and 30 class 3A volleyball teams in the OSSAA - for a total 126. There are no private schools in class 6A, 6 private school volleyball teams in class 5A, 10 private schools in class 4A, and 6 private schools in class 3A.
   If implemented, the new competitive equity rule will force the top four finishers in class 5A to class 6A. Since no volleyball team will be forced to advance more than one classification, the rule exempts two of the top four finishers from advancing to class 6A - which leaves Bishop Kelly and Bishop McGuinness to advance to 6A. If BK and BM advances to class 6A, the two smallest 6A teams (as per ADM) will regress to class 5A. Many OSSAA member schools believe the 'playing field' is level in class 6A sports, since no private schools exist in any class 6A activity. Many also believe the addition of BM and BK to class 6A volleyball will only tilt the 'playing field' toward private schools in class 6A competition. The question then becomes - will the departure of BM and BK from class 5A level the playing field for all schools in class 5A? The OSSAA seems to think it will, but at least two private schools will move up from class 4A, replacing BM and BK. Lincoln Christian and Regent Prep are likely to move up to class 5A from class 4A, unless the five other class 4A private schools would also qualify to bump to 5A - in which case a total seven private schools will move from class 4A to class 5A. In this scenario, class 5A volleyball's inequity would only be magnified. In summary, class 6A and class 5A volleyball will become new 'super' classifications for high school volleyball in the OSSAA. What about class 4A volleyball?
   Since LC and RP have vacated class 4A, it leaves room for two class 3A volleyball teams to move up to 4A. The two most likely advancers are Metro Christian and Oklahoma Bible since they have finished as state champion and state runnerup of class 3A. Although no 3A teams have previously advanced in classification, Heritage Hall is also eligible to move to class 4A - providing all other qualifiers have been met. In the opinion of many OSSAA members - the competitive equity in class 4A will not be enhanced with the new bump-up rule (advancing private schools to class 6A), but what about class 3A?
   For class 3A volleyball (the smallest classification) - Metro Christian, Oklahoma Bible, and Heritage Hall will likely advance to class 4A as a result of the old Rule 14, not the new revised competitive equity rule. Since class 4A volleyball is likely to lose two private schools due to the advancement rule, it will likely get three new private schools, for a net gain of one private school.
   In summary, if the above likely scenarios are accurate - The new revised rule for competitive equity will do nothing for leveling the playing field in high school volleyball! If an OSSAA member school votes yes because it thinks the change will level the playing field for volleyball - think again. As a matter of fact many OSSAA members believe the new Rule will only tilt the playing field to a greater degree toward private schools.
   As a prologue to this published re-classification scenario: Several weeks ago the OSSAA was given the opportunity to respond by correcting any errors of assumptions in the possible advancement of private schools (to class 6A). They have yet to respond, so we must assume the scenario is accurate.

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