I'll now discuss my opinion of how specific political philosophies played a role in the race for President of the United States as well as State Question 777, The Right to Farm, in Oklahoma. These observations are strictly my opinion, but based on hard facts as to how both elections were won and lost. First of all, some political philosophy terms and definitions:
1) Traditional conservatism - A political and social philosophy which promotes retaining traditional social institutions, such as family farms and public schools, in the context of the culture. Most Oklahomans, democrats and republicans alike, identify as traditional conservatives. They are sometimes called "tea-party" conservatives.
2) Corporate conservatism - A political philosophy which promotes the merger of corporations and government whereby corporate power dominates. Corporate conservatism is sometimes called corporatism or fascism.
3) Corporation - A for-profit entity which is owned by shareholders, can own land, and donate to campaigns just like individuals.
4) Non-profit - An association that conducts business for the benefit of the general public without a profit motive. Corporate conservatives often refer to non-profits as corporations.
5) Traditional liberalism - A political and social philosophy which promotes government as a way to solve societies problems.
6) Corporate liberalism - A political philosophy in which the corporate elite become "both the chief beneficiaries of and the chief lobbyists for corporate profiteering. Corporate liberals and corporate conservatives are almost identical philosophically. Corporate liberalism is also called neo-liberalism.
Donald Trump is a traditional conservative like most Oklahomans, which is why he received 65% of Oklahoma's vote last Tuesday. Hillary Clinton is a corporate liberalist, just like Barack Obama. The Clinton Foundation as well as Hillarie's campaign received $millions in corporate donations over the past several months in an attempt to win the presidency. Donald Trump pretty much funded his own campaign. He did not receive financial support from corporate conservatives or corporate liberals. He won the presidency because of traditional conservative support. Many corporate conservatives denounced the Donald Trump campaign months before the general election. They were the republicans such as Jeb Bush, Paul Ryan, et al, who said they could not support Trump. Fortunately for Donald Trump, traditional conservatives saw through their disingenuous statements, and voted for him anyway.
State Question 777, The Right to Farm bill, mirrored the presidential race in a number of ways. Corporate conservatives were able to convince many traditional conservatives that this bill was actually for them (family farmers and ranchers). The bill was finally traced back to 1996 to a corporatist organization called ALEC. The bill in 1996 was actually a state law to be adopted by state legislators (corporate conservatives), not a state question. In 2013, the law was officially changed to a state question which could be adopted by states. It was determined by corporations that individual farmers and ranchers would be easier to fool, and present it as a "state question", rather than a law to be passed. As a matter of fact, Missouri and North Dakota did pass the bill as a state question in 2013. Traditional conservatives in Oklahoma were not so easy to fool, however, as it went down to defeat - 60% NO, 40% YES. Many Oklahomans saw the bill for what it truly was - a bill written by corporations for corporate profits only, not our family farmers. Corporate conservatives in Oklahoma said those that advocated failure for SQ 777 were "liberals", and after failure of the bill, many corporate conservatives began the on-line name-calling and disparaging comments directed at those who "Voted NO". As a matter of fact, those "corporate conservatives'" actions closely matched those neo-liberal actions in California and elsewhere in protesting Donald Trump as our U.S. President.
Donald Trump overcame attacks from corporate conservatives and neo-liberals to win the presidency, with the help of traditional conservatives. Traditional conservatives overcame attacks from corporate conservatives and neo-liberals to flush SQ 777 down the toilet. In both cases, traditional conservatives win and corporations lose...
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