State Question 790 will also appear on our ballot for the November 8 election. If SQ 790 passes, Article 2, Section 5 of the Oklahoma Constitution will be stricken. This is the clause which separates church from state. It prevents monuments related to all religions from being erected on state property. Oklahomans decided many years ago that if a monument such as the "Ten Commandments" was allowed on public property, a monument such as "Baphomet" (the goat-headed figure) for pagan idol worshipers must also be allowed. The "separation of church and state" was then added to our Oklahoma Constitution, so that NO monuments could be placed on "PUBLIC" property (emphasis on 'public'). Article 2, Section 5 not only prevents pagan idol monuments from being placed on public property, but it prevents the public funding of private religious schools and corporate charter schools. Corporate entities such as the American Federation of Children (an ALEC and "Big Club" member), a school voucher advocacy group, would certainly like Article 2, Section 5 of the Constitution removed, so that public tax dollars could be siphoned to out-of-state and foreign charter schools. Foreign charter schools, such as the Fethullah Gulen's charter chain (Turkey) would stand to benefit greatly, if only Article 2, Section 5 was removed from our Constitution. It's no small wonder that the American Federation of Children (AFC) has poured $ millions into the "vote yes on SQ 790" campaign. It's also a sad fact that the AFC has poured $ thousands into state candidate campaigns which support the AFC's vision of sending Oklahomans' public tax dollars to out-of-state private and corporate schools. Tim Downing, a House District 42 candidate from Purcell, is one such campaign which received $33,000 in support from the AFC. Any voters in House District 42 who received campaign literature from the Downing campaign, just check the disclaimer in small print - Paid for by The Oklahoma Federation for Children Action Fund.
Entities such as the non-profits and corporations which belong to the secretive club, ALEC, have dubbed SQ 790 - "The Right to Pray", to get it passed. I believe, as most Christians believe, that God's Word gives us the right to pray, any time - anywhere. Permission to pray doesn't come from corporations or any fascist group, such as ALEC - just as the "Right to Farm" (SQ 777) is provided by God's Word, not corporations. Corporate entities, such as the AFC and Seaboard farms use "the right" to do anything, as a way to trick people into supporting ALEC inspired state questions. I believe SQ 777 (The Right to Farm), SQ 790 (The Right to Pray), and SQ 792 (The Right to Buy liquor at Wal-Mart) are for corporate profits only, NOTHING ELSE... and ample evidence says so.
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