A clandestine group calling itself the Oklahoma Public Charter School Association (OPCSA) has filed a lawsuit against Oklahoma taxpayers "in hopes of increasing charter schools' share of state and local education funding" (Oklahoma Watch, 2017). There are currently 30 Charter Oklahoma members in this organization, including Carlton Landing Academy (the Seminole charter school managed by a Texas company), Harding Charter Prep High School (the OKC charter school started by Janet Barresi), and the Dove Science Academies (the OKC and Tulsa charter schools managed by the Turkish based Islamic Clerc, Fethullah Gulen), among several more out-of-state charter organizations. Many consider the OPCSA clandestine, because its funding supporters are not for public consumption (unknown). I'd be willing to bet, however, that it receives support from organizations such as the American Federation for Children Action Fund (Vouchers) and other American Legislative Exchange Council groups. If the OCPSA is successful in its lawsuit, our local public schools and local taxpayers will be forced to pick up the charter school tab in the form of higher property taxes! To be continued...
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