Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Disclaimer: The following column is a parody of only some of our Republican State Representatives and Senators. Any resemblance of any Republican lawmakers to the real Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is intentional, but you may judge for yourself.
   According to Wikipedia - The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are described in the last book of the New Testament of the Bible, called the Book of Revelation of Jesus Christ to John of Patmos, at 6:1-8. The chapter tells of the Lamb of God opening four seals, which summons four beings that ride out on white, red, black, and pale horses. The four riders are often seen as symbolizing Pestilence, War, Famine, and Death. "Pestilence", riding the white horse, is often associated with bringing infectious disease and plague to the people. Riding the red horse, "War" is often pictured holding a sword upwards as though ready for battle or mass slaughter of the people. The black horse carries "Famine", the destruction of crops and food sources, and starvation of the people. "Death" rides the pale horse and represents the final result carried by the first three horses.
   None of the Four Horsemen bring anything good to the people, only death and destruction - and none of the republican horsemen in the legislature brings anything good to their constituents. A quick look at the "Dozen or More Horsemen" of the State Legislature (could be more) reveals uncanny similarities to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
   Naming names, the Dozen or More Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Legislature) are: Pestilence - Civilian Ralph Shortey who represents infectious disease and plague for being accused of child prostitution in offering to pay a boy for sex. Also riding the white horse of pestilence is Civilian Dan Kirby, who a special House committee expelled from the House of Representatives after investigating sexual harassment charges. Sitting aboard a slick black stallion is Civilian Kyle Loveless (Famine) who embezzled his own campaign funds by spending more than $100,000 in constituent funds, for personal items. By doing so, Famine contributed to "breaking" the State of Oklahoma. Riding up on another white horse, Senator Bryce Marlatt was stripped of three leadership positions this month pending the outcome of a police sex crimes investigation after a complaint made by a (male or female) Uber driver. Representing War and riding the red horse is House Speaker Chuck McCall, who used his mighty sword to slash Representative Leslie Osborn from the Chairmanship of the House Appropriations and Budgeting Committee. He did this as a retaliation for her speaking out about the lack of funding for the DHS. War (McCall) had previously blamed the funding short-fall on the Department of Human Services itself, not the Legislature. Adolph Hitler executed some of his top Generals before and during World War II, for not being "on board" and a "team player" - and was one of the original Red Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The next rider, Death, sporting a "pale horse", is represented by a plethora of Representatives and Senators, but Representative Tim Downing is the first one in the saddle. Like all the previously mentioned riders plus several more, Rep. Downing has solicited and received "dark money" in order to cause the death of our public schools. Of course, accepting dark campaign money is not a crime, but highly unethical in the opinion of many. Representative Downing and other similar lawmakers have accepted $thousands in campaign donations and support from such groups as the Washington D.C. based American Federation for Children/Vouchers. The goal of the AFC is to convince state lawmakers to direct public tax dollars to out-of-state corporate and private schools such as the Turkish based Gulen Charters, which drains our public schools of resources and funding. The AFC contributed over $40,000 in support to the campaign of Tim Downing, and hundreds of thousands more to the campaigns' of other Red Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Update: Former state Sen. Ralph Shortey (R) has now been charged with four federal child sex crimes by a federal grand jury. If convicted, he would have to serve a minimum 15 year prison sentence. In addition, state senator Bryce Marlatt (R) was charged Wednesday, September 6 with sexual battery and is also one of the Four Horse Horsemen of the Oklahoma State Legislature, as is Shortey. I was chastised recently for "painting the Horsemen with too broad a brush" by saying I'm embarrassed and ashamed to be associated by membership to the Republican Party since all of the Horsemen mentioned are Republicans. I'm now rejecting my membership to the (R) Party, not only because of its association to the thugs and lawbreakers in the Oklahoma Legislature, but because the (R) Party formerly rejected me as a Candidate for elected office. I rejected the National (R) Party Platform tenet of "school vouchers" (Legislator's Choice of Directing Local Tax Dollars to Private and Corporate Schools), so was attacked and vilified by Republican pro-voucher groups. Those who criticized my labeling of most lawbreakers in the state Legislature as Republicans are misguided, because they are Republicans! One critic even said he would not vote for me... LOL, that hurt.

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