Monday, October 9, 2017

Corporatists: School A thru F is Good Thing...

   Anyone following public school news lately knows that today's Corporatists in the Oklahoma Legislature would like to destroy our public schools so that corporate charter and private schools can reap the benefits of state aid (tax dollars for public schools). The October 9 headlined article in the Daily Oklahoman newspaper - Test score change could be 'shock to the system', provides insight as to how Corporatists intend to defile our public schools. From past experiences, public school supporters know that the school A-F system for grading public schools was (and is) based on invalid and unreliable methodology used to determine school grades (not student grades). School grades are based on student test scores though, so when student test scores are low in a public school - the school's grade follows suit. Corporatists believe if students fail, the public schools fail. According to those Legislator Corporatists (Corporate Legislators), there is no better way to prove to the public that our public schools are failures.
   If Corporate Representatives and Senators can convince Oklahomans that our public schools are failing, then the next logical step is to provide more public funding to corporate charter and private schools and away from our public schools. It makes perfect sense to a Corporatist to access public dollars for private and corporate enterprise, because they will receive out-of-state and international "dark money" in return. More money is the 'name of the game' for Corporate Legislators, and if the new student test scores are a 'shock to the public school system', they will be a 'cash cow' for Corporate Legislators and Corporate Schools...

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