Friday, April 6, 2018

Teacher Walk-out: Day 5

   As most people probably know by now, Oklahoma teachers originally walked out of the classroom for higher pay (which comes from our Legislature). Our teachers are some of the lowest paid in the nation. Teacher salary comparisons between states invariably prove that Oklahoma teacher salaries rank 49th or 50th in the nation, even when the cost of living is considered.
   In an effort to prevent the walk-out, corporate lawmakers passed a teacher pay increase beginning in 2018-2019 which they hoped would stem the tide, fool the teachers, and return them to the classroom. They also hoped it would prevent some of their dumber members from saying, indicating, and doing stupid things, such as "go ahead and be pissed", teachers are extortionists, slamming doors in teachers faces, and claiming teachers are just spoiled babies. Much to the corporate lawmakers' dismay, the announced teacher pay raise was not enough to keep teachers from walking out, as teachers are smarter than corporate minions think. First of all, the teacher pay increase was de-funded, as identified revenue streams were eliminated. Secondly, teachers know that state appropriated "student" funding has been cut by the Oklahoma Legislature by 28% since 2008. No other state legislature even comes close to the cuts our Oklahoma students have suffered. So, our Oklahoma teachers have shifted to "walking-out for the kids", much to the corporate lawmakers' surprise and disgust. As a result of the continued walk-out, most minions are now "in hiding" while the conservative and progressive lawmakers are offering teachers donuts and coffee when they arrive at the capitol.
   I'm watching our teachers as they now leave for the capitol for their students. Many cars line the highway as the teachers depart, with parents and students cheering them. The bus pulls over, teachers disembark and begin high-fiving students and parents. I really hope revenue streams can be passed today which will benefit our students, parents, and teachers, as we all need to get back to the classroom. The ball is in our state legislators court... please allow them to return..
   I'd like to give a shout-out to the Department of Public Safety and the Oklahoma Highway Patrol for providing a safe environment for our teachers at the capitol. Our Troopers and others have worked tirelessly, and have come from all over the state to support our teachers. A personal thank-you to a long-time friend Barry McCown for keeping our teachers safe at the capitol. I don't know if he's there, but he's still keeping everyone safe on our roadways.

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