Thursday, April 5, 2018

Teacher Walk-out: Retired Teachers and HB 2985

   One overlooked group during this "teacher walk-out" is the retired teachers of Oklahoma. Oklahoma retired teachers have been dismissed by the corporate minions (legislators) and their corporate oil overlords as an ineffective group for battling fascism (the partnership between corporations and government for ruling the state). As a matter of fact, corporate minions killed House Bill 2985 (the bill which would have provided a much needed "cost of living allowance" for our retired teachers) two weeks ago, without much fanfare. Many minions campaigned on the promise of providing a decent allowance for living to our retired teachers, but then helped kill any hope our retired teachers ever had of receiving anything from them. One example of the "bait and switch" campaign technique - utilized by many corporate lawmakers - was exhibited in my House District 42. The now elected representative traveled throughout the district campaigning on the promise of never raising taxes for the working poor and middle class. While he voted "no" on all three teacher pay raise bills, he never offered a legitimate alternative to regressive tax increases - for teacher pay. There were plenty of alternative avenues to teacher pay increases other than increasing taxes, but he never considered or thought of them. Examples of recurring revenue which would not have resulted in tax increases for us would have been the elimination of tax increment financing (for explanation, ask a true conservative) by municipalities and the elimination of the capital gains tax exemption. The simple elimination of both TIF and CG tax exemptions could have provided almost $1 billion for teacher pay raises and cost of living increases for our retired teachers.
   After being seated in 2016, the District 42 Representative spoke to retired teacher groups, undoubtedly promising support during his tenure. He assumed that retired teachers do not vote, just as he assumed active teachers do not vote - and they certainly do not follow legislative bills, such as HB 2985, which he helped kill.
   In addition to killing bills which would prevent tax increases, the District 42 Rep. is sponsoring bills such as House Bill 2782 (the school voucher bill which funnels Oklahoma tax dollars to out-of- state corporate school groups and private school groups) which will undoubtedly result in increased taxes for everyone. The active teachers and retired teachers visiting with the D. 42 Rep should remember the above facts and ask the hard questions. Conservatives should also consider the facts when voting this fall, and ask the question "Is my current legislator a real conservative, or simply a corporatist disguised as a conservative?", and bear in mind that conservatives do not support the destruction of our public schools.

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