Monday, March 13, 2017

Correcting the Will of Oklahoma Voters

    House Bill 1482, sponsored by Scott Biggs (R) of District 51 and Tim Downing (R) of District 42, seeks to nullify the voters choice for corrections reform when they approved State Question 780, which changed some drug possession crimes from felonies to misdemeanors. HB 1482 has now passed the House, and awaits a vote in the Senate. SQ 780 was part of an effort to reform drug laws which are responsible for incarcerating far too many Oklahomans. It was a "win-win" for Oklahoma, as it saved taxpayers' money as well as providing rehabilitation services for drug addicts.
   Senator Ralph Shortey, in the news as of late for being suspended by the Oklahoma Senate for "disorderly behavior" (among other things), sponsored Senate Bill 512 (the companion bill to HB 1482). Senator Shortey stated that SB 512 was "for the kids" since it would change some misdemeanor drug possession charges in school zones - to felonies. Luckily, it did not pass the senate. The authors of HB 1482, Biggs and Downing, also say that SQ 780 targeted children and Oklahoma voters were fooled into approving it. This defense attorney and prosecuting attorney (by profession) know that attorneys will lose customers (those charged with felonies) and money from fees and fines, as a result of SQ 780 - but HB 1482 will correct that mistake. Not only did voters overwhelmingly approve SQ 780, but organizations such as the Family Policy Institute of Oklahoma, the George Kaiser Family Foundation, the Intertribal Council of the Five Civilized Tribes, the Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce, the Oklahoma Conference of Churches, the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, and many others supported SQ 780.
    Public schools have "Drug Free School Zones" surrounding them, and this will not change due to the approval of SQ 780. Drug dealing within 1000 feet of a school building is still a felony. Biggs and Downing say that SQ 780 targeted our school kids (a political winner) and that HB 1482 is about protecting our school kids (another political winner). In reality, the gutting of the voters' will by supporting HB 1482, is about attorney profits only. 

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